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By P. Tempeck. Savannah College of Art and Design. 2018.

Lead a discussion about the different drugs the students learned about and answer any questions they may have discount 3.03mg yasmin amex. One circle should say “Drugs That Help the Body best yasmin 3.03 mg,” and the other circle should say “Drugs That Hurt the Body. Have each student or group make a list of the most important things to know about the effects of drugs on the body. Students may want to create a brochure or poster identifying the effects different drugs have on the body. Divide the students into pairs and have them test each other until both students have really grasped the information about each substance. Then have each student make a large drawing showing the setting in which that drug would be used. For example, immunizations may be given at the doctor’s offce, a clinic, or the hospital. Have the students write a class play about one of the drugs studied during the mission. The play could be about how a drug was discovered, how it is used, and what impact it has had on our lives. Do students understand the difference between a drug that has a helpful effect and one that has a harmful effect? As a class, go to the Library/Media Center and look for books or Web sites about one or more of the drugs studied during the module. Discuss what they mean and how they apply to what the students learned during the module. Bring out the list the class generated during module 2, describing what the students wanted to learn about the brain. Students can take turns being the player, and the rest of the class can be the audience. If the player doesn’t know the answer, he or she has the option of asking the audience for help. Have the students write a class story about the substances they learned about during this module. Begin with the prompt, “If I was stranded on a desert island, I would like to have _____________ with me. Have students think back to what they learned about the parts of the brain in module 2 and neurotransmission in module 3. Have them make up riddles describing the parts of the brain or the process of neurotransmission. Part of the “Drug-Alert Book” series, gives a good overview of the brain, neurotransmission, the effects of drugs on the brain, and addiction. Gives a good overview of medicines and how various medicines work with the body and brain to help heal. Gives a good overview of nicotine and caffeine and how each of these drugs affects the body and brain. I come in two different forms—one from the lab and the other from willow tree bark. So when you’re in pain, don’t stay in the dark, Try me, and I guarantee that you’ll feel better fast; I’m a painkiller that really lasts. These kinds of drugs make it harder to think; They affect your brain, which can really stink! You drink me every day; When you turn on the tap, I fow down the sink every which way. So keep this information in your mental fle, Because I’m the secret to your white, healthy smile. I’m so strong that kids can’t drink me until they’re 21, And even adults should know when enough is enough and then be done. I am found in many things that are yummy to eat, Like chocolate, soda, and other treats. I’m not the one that makes people choke, But I am the biggest reason people smoke. You might want to use these riddles during the “Discussion Questions” part of the mission. I change the chemicals in your body, you see, And then pain and fever disappear for you and for me. For an immunization, the germs from the illness are changed and then injected into the body, which teaches the body’s own defense system to fght the disease. Each kind of me changes the brain; Once the brain is changed, it’s never quite the same.

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For pain relief order yasmin 3.03mg amex, prewar patients needed more of the drug than wartime or postwar patients did generic 3.03mg yasmin with mastercard. Researchers concluded that part of the reason was a psychological change in how pain was evaluated during those years of brutality. The study did not directly in- vestigate tolerance, but it did demonstrate that a change in attitude can change the amount of drug effect perceived by users. Set describes someone’s basic personality and expectations about what a drug does. Rat experimenta- tion5 demonstrated that the setting in which a drug is administered can alter the amount of tolerance, with those conditions demonstrating a psychological component in physical tolerance. Countless human examples demonstrate that set and setting can determine how much effect a given drug dose produces, whether it is pleasant or unpleasant, even whether a dose is tolerable or fatal. In addition to the amount of drug, the method of dosage (injection, oral, smoking, or other routes) can make a huge difference in effects. The same amount of drug can have a much different impact depending on route of administration. An effect at one dosage level may be the opposite of what happens at a different dosage level. Taking more than one drug of a given type can be expected to increase effects typical of that type. For example, a person who ingests the depressant alcohol simultaneously with an opiate depressant will normally experience deeper depressant effects than if just one of the drugs was used. Taking a normal dose of several drugs from one type can be the practical equivalent of overdosing on any one of them. For example, the stimulant cocaine and the depressant heroin do not cancel each other’s effects if taken together; instead, the body may be assaulted from different directions simultaneously and break down under the attack. Historical experience shows addiction to be more likely with some drugs than with others, just as some road intersections are more hazardous than others even though anyone might drive through them safely at a given time. Whether the subject be drugs or intersections, persons concerned about dan- gers attempt to discover if similarities exist. Do certain characteristics of in- tersections (speed limits, stop signs, obscured vision) indicate whether danger is more likely? Characteristics of drugs, particularly their chemical formulas, are examined to determine similarities that might indicate whether particular drugs have more addictive or abuse potential than others. For example, the shape of a drug’s molecule may determine how a user’s body reacts, so drugs with molecules of a similar shape might be expected to have similar effects. Also, new substances derived from an old drug may be assumed to have similarities to the old drug. Schedules In the United States the result has been a blend of science and law called “scheduling,” set up in 1970 by the federal Comprehensive Drug Abuse Pre- vention and Control Act, which replaced all previous federal narcotics laws. Like all law, scheduling has an element of arbitrariness, enhanced as federal statutes interact with state laws and local ordinances. Nonetheless, even though results can be puzzling, basic principles in scheduling are clear. Unsched- uled drugs may be benign or highly dangerous, available over the counter or by prescription only, perhaps even available to children through a plant grow- ing wild in the woods. A hospital emergency room may deal with someone who uses an unscheduled drug, but the U. Almost all drugs are unscheduled, whether they be pharmaceutical creations from a laboratory or natural products harvested from the soil. Not all abuse is addictive, but the rankings imply that some drugs are more of an addiction hazard than others. Generally drugs in a lower-numbered schedule are considered more prone to abuse than those in higher-numbered schedules. Schedule I is also used for abused drugs having no medical use approved by regulatory agencies in the United States. Thus Schedule I includes mari- juana even though decades of research have shown it to be more benign than most drugs listed in other schedules. Schedule I also includes some drugs (dextromoramide, dipipanone, phenoperidine, and others) used routinely by doctors in other countries but that lack approval from U. So Introduction 7 although Schedule I is often viewed as a list of the most dangerous drugs, relatively harmless ones are listed if they are unapproved for medical use in the United States, while drugs that can easily kill even when administered in a hospital setting are listed in schedules indicating less danger of abuse. Still, the general rule is that drugs are scheduled according to their abuse potential, with drugs in lower-numbered schedules having more abuse potential than drugs in higher-numbered schedules. Some illicit drug makers try to avoid scheduling regulations altogether by tweaking the chemical composition of a substance just enough that it is no longer the molecule defined in a schedule.

A study of teenagers’ skin in Australia demon- strated that 70% of Australians have detectable sun damage by the age of 14 Photoaging 15 years (2) yasmin 3.03mg on line. As the process of photoaging continues order 3.03mg yasmin overnight delivery, additional clinical signs of wrinkling, texture, and pigmentary change become progressively noticeable. Both from the clinical and chronological standpoints, the process is a continuum with change possible in either direction. A subject’s self-assessment of appear- ance, the marketing claim made for the product, and the physical attributes of the cosmetic product are frequently strong forces in the equation, yet to the prac- titioner, investigator, and regulator, a rigorous endpoint of cosmetic improvement or demonstration of pharmacological activity may be most central. Evaluation for cosmeceutical effect must account for the following specific and distinct needs. The customer’s perspective is more related to the individual’s perceptions of their skin appearance than to a meticulously quantitated numerical assessment of its condition. These perceptions are more global than specific, and mandate an evaluation that is weighted toward overall appearance but adequately accounts for specific concerns of dryness, texture, wrinkling, skin color, and pigmentary unevenness. Cosmetic or therapeutic effects produced by the product are important to the consumer, but so are physical aspects of the product itself. A product that is not cosmetically elegant or that is drying or irritating to the skin will be less acceptable to the consumer in spite of alleged pharmaceutical properties. These aspects and physical attributes of cosmetics can be well quantitated by both con- sumer panel testing of the product as well as by specific instrumentation. Table 1 The Cosmeceutical Perspective Subject’s self-perceptions Customer cosmetic expectations Product physical attributes Regulatory aspects Marketing claims Degree of pharmacological activity 16 Cunningham Cosmeceutical properties of a therapeutic intervention are central to the discussion and may require both well-conducted studies of consumer satisfaction as well as adequate documentation and substantiation of cosmetic or therapeutic claims (e. Pharmaceutical testing of pharmacological effect is, by definition, the most stringent, requiring not only adequate trial design and execution but substantially more documentation of statistically significant changes that are also clinically and consumer relevant. This is the area where proper application of biometrics to photoaging is most helpful and important (3). They note that their skin is rough, dry, wrinkled, and that their face and hands, in particular, have numbers of variously colored flat spots. Tanning no longer produces an even darkening of the skin and, especially on the legs, numerous white spots have appeared. Occasionally they are aware of a less resil- ient quality of their skin, which in some areas tends to sag and not bounce back when it is stretched. Raised unsightly growths of cosmetic or medical concern to the patient may have appeared. Clinical Presentations Photoaging is most frequently progressive, yet modified by both environmental exposure and genetics (Table 3). The clinical presentation of photodamage is there- fore highly polymorphic but with many characteristic signs and symptoms (4). Table 2 Photoaging Signs and Symptoms Overall appearance older than chronological age Wrinkles, fine and coarse Diverse pigmentary alterations Rough texture Dryness Sallow complexion Various neoplasms, benign and malignant Photoaging 17 Table 3 Functional Abnormalities of Photoaging Uneven tanning Skin easily distends Slow return to normal contour Thinned skin easily traumatized Sensory decrease Decrease in immune competence The most casual observation of the face or neck of an individual with photo- damaged skin, even by the untrained observer, consciously and subconsciously gives an overall impression of a person older than their chronological age. Visu- ally, wrinkles both fine and coarse are frequently the hallmark of sun-damaged skin in many individuals, although genetic differences may, in some, favor pig- mentary alterations or thinning of the skin as the most prominent presenting sign. An overall sallow, or yellowish hue, is common and presumably due to the complex interplay of light absorption and reflection in photodamaged skin that is characterized by uneven thickness of the stratum corneum and abnormalities of melanization. Additionally, circulatory alterations of endogenous origin or as a consequence of photodamage produce variable contributions of heme pigment to overall skin color. Discrete alterations consistent with actinic lentigos, especially promi- nent on the face and hands, may alternate with mottled hyperpigmentation con- sisting of patchy and alternating lighter and darker macules due to diffuse abnor- malities of melanogenesis and melanosome distribution in keratinocytes. Diffuse pigmentary change may also present as melasma on the face due to either epider- mal melanin abnormalities or dermal macrophages containing melanin or heme pigment. Hypomelanotic macules are vitiligenous and are frequently observed most prominently on the lower extremities. Dryness and surface roughness, best perceived by tactile rather than visual means, are among the most common complaints related to aged and photoaged skin, but are not specific for either. Scaling due to dryness or perturbation in epidermal turnover is also common, but not specific to photodamage. Benign seborrheic keratoses are mostly cosmetic growths that appear in sun- exposed body areas. Grossly observed thinning and histological stratum corneum irregularity, epidermal thinning, and abnormal collagen and elastin result in skin that is easily traumatized with abrasions, cuts, and tears. Blood vessels can be easily seen through the skin and, because of epidermal thinning and decreased dermal integrity, the skin bruises and bleeds more easily than normal. Sensory decrease, not usually clinically obvious, has been partially docu- mented in increasing age, though not specifically in photoaging. Utilizing skin compliance and a two-point discrimination testing on the pad of the index finger, increasing age was correlated with decreased tactile sensitivity and said to be likely related to change in the nervous system (tactile discrimination), rather than change in skin itself (skin compliance) (5). An actual increase in intraepidermal nerve fibers, correlated with severity of photodamage, was observed in a recent study of the ultrastructure of photodamaged skin and was theorized to be indica- tive of a neural involvement in the pathophysiology and/or repair of photodam- aged skin (6).

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He believes its influence is exercised by its stimulating effect upon the flow of the bile purchase yasmin 3.03 mg line. He has had clinical evidence of its undoubted value in many difficulties of the gastro-intestinal tract cheap 3.03mg yasmin with visa, which are cured by this important influence. He combines it in some cases of gastro-intestinal atony, with nux vomica and podophyllum, in the following prescription: Nux vomica, fifteen drops; chionanthus, two and a half drams, podophyllum, one and a half drams; elixir of lactated pepsin, sufficient quantity to make four ounces. In perverted functional action of the liver, resulting in the excretion of an abnormal quantity of uric acid, which interferes with the evolution of proper metabolism present in the formation of urea, and its products, it is a valuable remedy. It is thus of much importance in the treatment of acute lithemia—toxemia, from excess of urea or uric acid, and the rheumatic diathesis. Macrotin or Cimicifugin, which possesses all the medicinal properties of the root, is a resinous powder of a dark-brown or yellowish color, a bitter, acrid taste, and slight odor. Physiological Action—Cimicifuga in large doses produces general relaxation, dimness of vision, dizziness, tremors, slowing of the pulse, fall Ellingwood’s American Materia Medica, Therapeutics and Pharmacognosy - Page 121 of arterial pressure, vomiting or gastric irritation; it stimulates expectoration and perspiration, causes intense headache and prostration. These phenomena are caused by the action of the drug on the vasomotor centers and the cardiac ganglia. The headache is chiefly frontal; in some persons the drug causes pain in the joints and limbs similar to rheumatism. The agent is certainly an efficient nerve sedative, although its most pronounced action is on the unstriped muscles. It acts in very many cases where these muscles are involved, with general nervous irritation, in an immediate and positive manner. In such cases if the nerve irritation is dominant, its efficiency is greatly increased by combining it with gelsemium. An overdose is promptly signalled by the appearance of the characteristic headache, which assumes a bursting, tearing character, with injected conjunctivae and flushed face. Specific Symptomatology—Muscular aching, local and general, aching pains as from overworked, overstrained muscles, great muscular aching with chilliness and rapidly increasing temperature. It is the agent for hysteria with flushed face and heat in the head, with restless and nervous excitement and general muscular aching. Therapy—In the premonitory stage of acute fevers, or of acute inflammatory troubles of whatever character, a common symptom is a general tired feeling with aching of the muscles. In these cases there is usually a chill or chilliness, with more or less fever with the aching. One drop of the tincture of cimicifuga every hour will relieve this aching in from six to twelve hours. If given with aconite for the fever and belladonna for the rigors, the time may be reduced to three or four hours. When indicated, its influence upon the nervous system will probably abridge many of the other symptoms. Through its influence upon the vasomotor centers and upon the nerve ganglia, it has a beneficial influence upon the heart. In rheumatic carditis or pericarditis it is a sovereign remedy acting directly in the line of its physiological influence. In neuralgia of the heart—angina pectoris and functional irregularity of the heart from exalted nerve influence, either alone or combined with gelsemium, it is prompt and reliable, and Ellingwood’s American Materia Medica, Therapeutics and Pharmacognosy - Page 122 should be by no means neglected. King advised this agent in coughs, and its value through its influence upon the nerve centers has been confirmed by many practitioners. It soothes the cough of excessive nerve irritation, and the reflex cough; the irritable cough of acute bronchitis is relieved by it, as it increases bronchial secretions to a notable extent. A homeopathic writer says that in pleurisy, there are often strong indications for cimicifuga where it works in harmony with aconite and bryonia. It is given by many as a stomachic tonic, and it improves digestion by relieving excess of nerve influence over the functional operations of the digestive apparatus. Given in fifteendrop doses of the tincture four or five times daily, it is superior to any other known remedy. Its effects are permanent if the anemia and other concomitant conditions are correctly controlled by proper medication at the same time. It may be combined with scutellaria lateriflora, with valerian or gelsemium, as the indications demand, with superb results. The writer has aired intractable cases by alternating it with minute doses of exalgine. The characteristic aching pains above described are very constant in acute rheumatism and rheumatic fevers. Cimicifuga is certainly a royal remedy in these cases, and has become universally popular.

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