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By I. Chenor. Clark College.

Blood vessels generic 25mg imitrex free shipping, nerves buy imitrex 25mg online, and lymphat- hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), which is the pre- ics branch through the mesentery to supply the dominant finding in a number of metabolic dis- intestine. Other mesenteries exist to support the sig- eases, and jaundice (yellowing) or other evidence moid colon, appendix, transverse colon, and por- of liver disease. Also known as inborn error of mesoderm The middle of the three primary germ metabolism. The metabolic rate, basal See basal metabolic mesoderm differentiates (specializes) to give rise to rate. See also differentiation; ectoderm; processes that occur within a living organism. Metabolism consists of anabolism (the buildup of substances) and catabolism (the breakdown of sub- mesodermal Pertaining to the mesoderm or to stances). Cells that have metastasized are like those in the Methotrexate is an effective but potentially danger- original (primary) tumor. People taking methotrexate must cer begins in the stomach and spreads to the lung, have their lung, liver, and kidney function moni- the cancer cells in the lung are metastatic stomach tored regularly, and they need blood testing to be cancer cells. Methotrexate should be taken on an metatarsal One of the five cylindrical bones that empty stomach. Metrorrhagia can mon medical use for methadone is as a legal substi- cause significant anemia. It may also be a sign of tute for heroin in treatment programs for drug underlying disease, such as hormone disorder, uter- addiction. For exam- munity outside of hospitals and other health facili- ple, diabetes predisposes to the development of ties. Normal standards are sign because it is almost always associated with available for penis length. Many reflect failure of normal hormonal stimulation or factors can impair the growth of the brain, includ- failure of normal development (a birth defect). For example, microcytic ane- consists of two microscopes in series, the first serv- mia is characterized by small red blood cells. The ing as the ocular lens (close to the eye), and the opposite of microcytic is macrocytic. Disorders caused by scopes) and minuses (the observer is not really microdeletions include Angelman, DiGeorge, “seeing” objects, but rather their electron densities, Prader-Willi, and Williams syndromes. Microorchidism is a diagnostic feature, for example, microscopic Too small to be seen without the aid of Prader-Willi syndrome and certain other multiple of a microscope, as opposed to macroscopic. Microorchidism may also example, a microscopic tumor is too small to be result from shrinkage (atrophy) of the testis due to seen without a microscpe. The opposite of microscopic anatomy See anatomy, micro- microorchidism is macroorchidism. The ruler is pressed firmly into the soft tissue over the pubic bone (the symphysis pubis) because in obese boys and men, a seemingly small penis may http://www. See also syncope; vaso- migraines account for no more than 20 percent of vagal reaction. This is the most frequent type of migraine, account- middle ear infection See ear infection. Many midwives also provide pre- migraine, ocular A migraine involving the eyes natal care for pregnant women, birth education for that results in distortion of visual images, accompa- women and their partners, and care for mothers nied or followed by headache. Image distor- local law, midwives may deliver babies in the tion generally begins in the center of the image and mother’s home, in a birthing center or clinic, or in then moves to one side. Others migraine, ophthalmoplegic A rare condition work with physicians as part of a team. Visual auras may include flashing lights, geometric patterns, or distorted midwife, certified professional A midwife vision. Some people may have aural auras that who has completed a degree in midwifery at a cre- involve hearing sounds (usually buzzing) that are dentialed educational institution. The auras experienced by migraine sufferers midwife assistant A person who assists a mid- are similar to those associated with epilepsy. Other arteries in on one or both sides of the head that may be accom- the brain and scalp then open, and throbbing pain panied by nausea, vomiting, increased sensitivity of is perceived in the head. The tendency to migraine the eyes to light (photophobia), increased sensitiv- is inherited and appears to involve serotonin. This ity to sound (phonophobia), dizziness, blurred brain chemical (neurotransmitter) is involved in vision, cognitive disturbances, and other symptoms. Not all severe headaches are migraine, abdominal An attack of abdominal migraines and not all migraines are severe. Factors pain that may be preceded by a migraine aura and known to make migraines worse in some patients accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and cognitive include stress, food sensitivities, menstruation, and disturbance. Miliary is about a 5 percent chance that one member of the aneurysms tend to affect minute arteries in the brain couple is carrying a chromosome translocation that or in the retina of the eye. The mineralocorticoid hormones act on the tubules of mitochondria Structures located in the cell’s the kidney.

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Tilt-table congenital heart disease in which the whole left half testing involves placing the patient on a table with a of the heart discount imitrex 25 mg on-line, including the aorta is underdeveloped foot support generic imitrex 25mg mastercard. Blood returning from the lungs has pressure and pulse are measured while symptoms to flow through an opening in the wall between the are recorded in various positions. The right ventricle pumps blood into the pulmonary artery, and blood reaches the aorta hypotension, postural See hypotension, ortho- through a shunt (the ductus arteriosus). The opposite of hypoventilation is hyper- of body temperature, hunger, thirst, and other ventilation (overbreathing). Hypovolemia occurs with dehy- Someone who falls asleep in a cold temperature dration or bleeding. Hypothermia is intentionally produced to slow hypovolemic shock See shock, hypovolemic. Those with mild or mod- hypoxia A lower-than-normal concentration of erate hypothermia (are alert and conscious, and oxygen in arterial blood, as opposed to anoxia, a have not lost the shivering reflex) will usually sim- complete lack of blood oxygen. Hypoxia will occur ply require removing them from the cold environ- with any interruption of normal respiration. Treatment of severe hypothermia involves slow heat- hypoxia-ischemia Blood flow to cells and ing of the body using blankets or other ways of organs that is not sufficient to maintain their normal increasing body warmth. Body temperature should function, combined with a lower-than-normal con- increase by no more than a couple of degrees per centration of oxygen in arterial blood. Hysterectomies are most commonly per- hypothyroid state (hypothyroidism) is characterized formed as a treatment for fibroids, cancer or severe by fatigue, weight gain, and constipation. Severe, dysplasia of the uterus, and for dysfunctional uter- longstanding hypothyroidism can lead to swelling of ine bleeding. Also known as Brissaud infantilism and Surgical removal of the uterus but not the cervix, infantile myxedema. Untreated hypotonia can lead to hip hysterectomy, subtotal See hysterectomy, dislocation and other problems. In some cases, braces may be needed to permit a full range of movement in hysterectomy, total Complete surgical removal patients with hypotonia. With a vaginal give fluids intravenously to hospitalized patients in hysterectomy, the scar is not outwardly visible. Hypoventilation can be due to breathing that is too shallow (hypop- nea) or too slow (bradypnea), or to diminished lung http://www. The name comes from the deposits of accumulated material, known as inclu- idiopathic See essential. There is no known idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis is scarring of the lung treatment for I-cell disease. Meconium ileus occurs when the idiopathic torsion dystonia See dystonia, infant has a deficiency of trypsin and other digestive idiopathic torsion. Treatment is with enemas and can require surgical IgA Immunoglobulin A, an antibody. The disease progresses iliac horns A horn-like malformation on the with time and may ultimately lead to renal failure. Treatment involves medica- ilium The upper part of the pelvic bone, which tions and focuses on slowing the progression of the forms the receptacle of the hip. Imagery includes all the senses, including ileitis, terminal Inflammation of the end of the visual, aural, tactile, olfactory, proprioceptive, and small intestine (terminal ileum) due to Crohn’s dis- kinesthetic. The paralysis does not need to be com- plete to cause ileus, but the intestine must be so immune response Any reaction by the immune inactive that food cannot pass through it, which system. Ileus commonly immune response in the skin characterized by follows some types of surgery. Regardless of flu shot is designed to produce an immune response the cause, ileus causes constipation and bloating. Immunodeficient is ulating the immune system of the body to fight dis- the opposite of immunocompetent. A healthy immune system is able to recognize invading bacteria and viruses, and it produces anti- immunodepression See immunosuppression. IgM antibodies make up about 5 percent to 10 percent of all the antibodies in the immunocompetent Able to develop an immune body. Pustules develop on this area, soon form- identify, under the microscope, particular chemi- ing crusty, yellow-brown sores that can spread to cals or proteins in tissues or cells by attaching them cover entire areas of the face, arms, and other body to specific antibodies which, in turn, are linked to parts. An in situ tumor is example, immunosuppressive agents may be given one that is confined to its site of origin and has not to prevent the body from forming an immune invaded neighboring tissue or gone elsewhere in the response to an organ transplant or to treat a disease body. For example, squamous cell carcinoma in situ that is caused by an overactive immune system, such is an early stage of skin cancer. The hybridizing a labeled nucleic acid to suitably pre- aim of allergy immunotherapy is to modify or stop pared cells or tissues on microscope slides to allow the allergy by reducing the strength of the IgE visualization in situ (in the normal location). This form of treatment is very effective for in vitro In glass, as in a test tube.

Cardiac disease is present in only a few percent of these patients and most commonly presents as aortic regurgitation order imitrex 50mg with visa. Other cardiac manifestations include complete heart block and congestive heart failure buy 25mg imitrex otc. Rare complications are upper lobe pul- monary fibrosis and retroperitoneal fibrosis. Antiglomerular antibodies are found in patients with Goodpasture’s syndrome, antihistone antibodies in those with drug-induced lupus, and antimicrosomal antibodies in those with autoimmune hepatitis. As the primary driving force of the disease is mechanical, first-line therapy should be nonpharmacologic. Each pound of weight increases loading across a weight-bearing joint three- to six-fold. This patient would benefit from a daily minimal- weight-bearing exercise regimen combined with nutritional goals aimed at slow, consis- tent weight loss. Avoidance of walking is impractical; a cane or supportive device to lessen the joint load can be offered. While the pathogenesis is not clear, there are associations with disturbed sleep (disruption of stage 4 sleep) and abnormal pain perception. Fibromyalgia is diagnosed by the presence of widespread pain, a history of widespread musculoskeletal pain that has been present for >3 months, and pain on palpation at 11 of 18 tender point sites. Besides pain on palpation, the neurologic and musculoskeletal examinations are normal in pa- tients with fibromyalgia. Psychiatric illnesses, particularly depression and anxiety disor- ders, are common comorbidities in these patients but do not help satisfy any diagnostic criteria. This patient is typical in that most persons af- fected by this disorder are middle-aged females with a female-to-male ratio of 9:1. Oc- ular involvement resulting in symptoms of a sandy or gritty feeling under the eyelids, burning, redness, itching, decreased tearing, and photosensitivity is due to destruction of corneal and bulbar conjunctival epithelium, defined as keratoconjunctivitis sicca. Slit-lamp ex- amination of the cornea after rose Bengal staining may show punctate corneal ulcerations and attached filaments of corneal epithelium. The most common extranodal manifesta- tion of Sjögren’s syndrome is arthralgias or arthritis (up to 60% of patients). Rheumatoid arthritis may be considered; however, the examination did not demonstrate inflammation, and the diffuse joint complaints without persistent morning stiffness make this less likely. Vitamin A deficiency may lead to dry eye but does not explain the patient’s other symptoms. In the general population, rheumatoid factors become more prevalent with age, and 10–20% of patients older than 65 will have them. False-positive results can occur in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus, Sjögren’s syndrome, chronic liver disease, sarcoido- sis, hepatitis B, mononucleosis, tuberculosis, malaria, and a host of other conditions. In the pa- tient above, radiographs would not add anything to the diagnostic evaluation. In early disease they are no more revealing of active synovitis than a careful physical examination. Morning stiffness: Stiffness in and around the joints lasting 1 h before maximal improve- ment. Arthritis of three or more joint areas: At least three joint areas, observed by a physician si- multaneously, have soft tissue swelling or joint effusions, not just bony overgrowth. The 14 possible joint areas involved are right or left proximal interphalangeal, metacarpophalan- geal, wrist, elbow, knee, ankle, and metatarsophalangeal joints. Arthritis of hand joints: Arthritis of wrist, metacarpophalangeal joint, or proximal inter- phalangeal joint. Symmetric arthritis: Simultaneous involvement of the same joint areas on both sides of the body. Rheumatoid nodules: Subcutaneous nodules over bony prominences, extensor surfaces, or juxtaarticular regions observed by a physician. Serum rheumatoid factor: Demonstration of abnormal amounts of serum rheumatoid fac- tor by any method for which the result has been positive in less than 5% of normal control subjects. Her skin testing shows multiple sensitivities including ragweed, grass, pet dander, and dust mites. The ini- tial step in the treatment of chronic perennial rhinitis is avoidance of the offending aller- gens. This should include removal of the pet from the home, which is often difficult given the emotional attachment to the pet. In this instance, the first approach to the patient’s sensitivity to cat dander is to discuss potentially removing the pet from the home. In ad- dition, multiple other interventions are available that might decrease her symptoms. Other avoidance strategies that would decrease her exposure to offending allergens in- clude removal of carpet and drapes from the bedroom, weekly laundering of the bedding and clothes at high temperatures, use of a filter-equipped vacuum, and plastic-lined cov- ers for the mattress, pillows, and comforters.

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Whereas complementary med- ical school equivalent of Phi Beta Kappa of under- icine is used together with conventional medicine buy 25mg imitrex with mastercard, graduate school purchase 50mg imitrex overnight delivery. Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency leads to damage of various organs, espe- altitude illness See altitude sickness. At sea level the concentration of oxygen is about 21 per- amaurosis fugax A symptom that is often cent, and the barometric pressure averages 760 mm described as a shade coming down over the eye. As altitude increases, the concentration remains Amaurosis fugax is a partial or complete loss of the same, but the number of oxygen molecules per sight that is temporary. At 5,400 meters (approximately caused by arteriosclerosis in the blood vessels that 12,000 feet) above sea level, the barometric pres- supply the brain. It can also occur with excessive sure is only 483 mm Hg, so there are roughly 40 acceleration, as in flight, and with ophthalmic percent fewer oxygen molecules per breath. Because the amount of oxygen required for activity is the same at high alti- amazia A condition wherein the breast tissue is tude as at sea level, the body must adjust to having absent, but the nipple is present. The amblyopia, nocturnal Night blindness, also acclimatization process is inhibited by dehydration, known as day sight. Preventive medications include acetazo- ambulance A vehicle equipped with medications lamide (brand name: Diamox) and dexamethasone and devices intended to stabilize patients while (a steroid). On a cel- lular level, Alzheimer’s disease is characterized by ameba A single-celled, protozoan organism that the finding of unusual helical protein filaments in constantly changes shape. Alzheimer’s disease involves degeneration of the cortical regions, especially the frontal and temporal amebiasis The state of being infected with ame- lobes. There is currently no cure for Alzheimer’s bae, especially with the ameba Entamoeba histolytica. Amebic dysentery can be accompanied by ame- bic infection of the liver and other organs. A skin lesion that is Unilateral amastia (absence of one breast) is often amelanotic lacks the pigment melanin and, there- associated with absence of the pectoral muscles. This fluid can anorexia nervosa, disease of the female reproduc- be used for genetic and other diagnostic tests. American Type Culture Collection The world’s premier biological culture repository, and a key amniotic fluid The fluid bathing a fetus within resource for medical research. The street term “speed” refers to stimulant drugs amino acid One of the 20 building blocks from such as amphetamine. Gene the human body cannot make them and they must amplification plays a role in cancer. Amino acids are sometimes can occur in vivo (in the living individual) or in taken orally in supplement form. An amino acid screen is useful in diag- secretions flow to mix with food for digestion. Amputation can occur at an accident site, the scene of an animal attack, or a bat- aminotransferase An enzyme that catalyzes the tlefield. Amputation is also performed as a surgical transfer of an amino group from a donor molecule procedure. The donor molecule is usu- spread of gangrene as a complication of frostbite, ally an amino acid and the recipient molecule is injury, diabetes, arteriosclerosis, or any other ill- usually an alpha-2 keto acid. Sometimes the location of a cut may depend in part anaerobic Not requiring oxygen. Anaerobic bac- on its suitability to be fitted with an artificial limb, or teria, for example, do not require oxygen to grow. These structures were so The intensity of anal itching is increased by mois- named because they appeared to be shaped like an ture, pressure, and abrasion caused by clothing and almond. Amyloid protein that increase the possibility of yeast infections; and can be deposited in a localized area, and it may not psoriasis. Other causes of anal itching include hem- be harmful or it may affect only a single tissue of the orrhoids, anal fissures, abnormal local growth of body. This form of amyloidosis is called localized anal skin (anal papillae), and skin tags. Amyloidosis that affects tissues is directed first toward relieving the burning and throughout the body is referred to as systemic amy- soreness, including cleaning and drying the anus loidosis. Systemic amyloidosis can cause serious thoroughly, avoiding leaving soap in the anal area, changes in organs throughout the body. Amyloidosis showering gently without directly rubbing or irritat- can occur as its own entity or secondarily, as a ing the skin, and using moist pads rather than toilet result of another illness, including multiple paper to clean the anus after bowel movements. It is sometimes called Lou Gehrig’s serious allergic reaction that can result in death. Immediate emergency sample is microscopically evaluated using special treatment is required, for example, administration cellular stain methods. Anaphylactoid purpura illness, certain illnesses can more frequently be frequently follows a bacterial or viral infection of the associated with some patterns.

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The prevalence of Refsum Vision: Optic atrophy is the main feature of this disorder cheap imitrex 50mg with amex. An early designation called “infantile Refsum disease” was It has been demonstrated that patients with nonsyndromic order imitrex 25 mg with visa, used for a similar congenital, very severe deafblind disorder with low-frequency hearing loss also might have mutations in the high morbidity and early mortality. It is suggested Other neurological abnormalities that might be apparent that the designation “infantile Refsum” should be avoided (44). Imaging findings in Wolfram syn- drome have revealed atrophy of the optic nerve, chiasma, and tracts as well as atrophy of the brain stem and cerebellum. The diabetes could be both diabetes insipidus and diabetes mellitus Summary where the onset usually is early (juvenile). Deafblindness should be described as a Wolframin genes might play a role in inner ear homeostasis. Audiological and vestibular features in affected subjects with Treasury of Human Inheritance. Genomics 1992; candidate genes, and identification of the putative mouse homol- 14:979–987. Localisation of two genes deafness: a specific syndrome distinct from Laurence-Moon-Biedel for Usher syndrome type I to chromosome 11. Am cause obesity, type 2 diabetes and neurosensory degeneration in J Hum Genet 2001; 69:25–34. Hum Mol Genet 2005; analysis of 19 Wolfram syndrome kindreds demonstrating a wide 15:2323–2333. Norrie disease, a congenital progressive oculo-acoustico- drome to chromosome 4p16. A new X-linked and its incorporation into plasma lipid fractions in heredopathia recessive deafness syndrome, blindness, dystonia, fractures and atactica polyneuritiformis. Diabetes mellitus and simple optic atro- some 10p by homozygosity mapping and carrier testing in a single phy among siblings: report of four cases. In approximately lead to an in-depth understanding of many complex physiolog- 30% of the cases, a specific syndrome can be identified, with ical and pathophysiological mechanisms of the hearing process. The However, the function of several genes is not yet elucidated and remaining 70% of cases are nonsyndromic (2,3). The human cochlea comprises about forms, hearing loss is detected before the manifestations of other 20,000 neurosensory hair cells that do not last a lifetime and do organ pathology. Additionally, several their location in the temporal bone, which is hard to access, it human genes can underlie both syndromic and nonsyndromic is very difficult to obtain information about the function of hair hearing loss. Possibly, these proteins have several functions, with cells through biochemical studies. Positional cloning of genes specific and irreplaceable functions in the inner ear and a less crit- for genetic forms of deafness has contributed greatly to our ical function in other tissues, which may only be compromised by understanding of the physiology of the inner ear. These gap junctions are important involved in the homeostasis of the cochlea, genes required for for the electric and metabolic coupling of neighbouring cells. Subsequently, the ions malities (keratodermas) that are clinically very heterogeneous enter the extracellular space of the spiral ligament and are then (7–9,31,32). In non-European populations, the 35delG mutation is rare, but Connexins sometimes other frequent mutations are found. These include Gap junctions are channels that connect neighbouring cells and the 235delC mutation in Japanese and Koreans (36–38), the allow passive transfer of small molecules. They are made up of 167delT in Ashkenazi Jews (39,40), and the R143W mutation Figure 5. Nonsyndromic hearing loss: cracking the cochlear code 65 in a village in eastern Ghana (41). There is strong evidence that muta- gene (connexin-30) in Spanish subjects with autosomal-reces- tions in this gene can also cause erythrokeratoderma variabilis, sive nonsyndromic hearing impairment (submitted 2004). Finally, there has been only one report of a missense degeneration of inner hair cells. Pendrin has a highly discrete expression pattern throughout the endolymphatic duct and sac, in the distinct areas of the utricule and the saccule, and in the external sulcus region (64). These regions are thought to be important for endolymphatic fluid resorption in the inner ear. To date, 11 genes have been localised for different types of Usher syndrome, Genes involved in the structure and of which eight genes have already been identified. In the eye, cadherin 23 is thought to play a fundamental role in the organ- function of the hair cell isation of synaptic junctions. Protocadherin 15 is Adhesion molecules an important protein in the morphogenesis and cohesion of Cadherin 23 and Protocadherin 15 belong to the cadherin stereocilia bundles through long-term maintenance of lateral superfamily, most members of which play a role in calcium- connections (lateral links) between stereocilia (72). Interestingly, two types of hair-cell complexes located at specific emplacements in the plasma anomalies have been detected in this mouse mutant. In the cochlea, harmonin is restricted to the hair most severely affected mutants, the hair bundle is disorganised, cells, where it is present in the cell body and the stereocilia.

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