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By K. Cronos. James Madison University.

The clinical manifestations of viral pneumonia develop gradually and include fever cheap maxalt 10 mg line, cough and wheezing generic 10mg maxalt otc. There is not currently a vaccine available in Ethiopia to immunize against the Group A Streptococci that cause pharyngitis. Lice acquire the causative bacteria when they take a blood meal from an infected person, and they transmit the bacteria to new hosts when people come into close contact with infected lice in clothes, bedding or on bodies. The infection enters the new host through breaks in the skin, caused mainly by scratching the itching louse bites. Relapsing fever and typhus can quickly spread in such poor hygienic conditions if someone brings infected lice into the village on their body or clothes. You have to educate families to wash their clothes, bedding and bodies frequently to prevent diseases related to poor personal hygiene, particularly relapsing fever and typhus. Relapsing fever and typhus have similar clinical manifestations such as fever, headache, joint and muscle pains. It is very difcult to distinguish between them by clinical manifestations alone, without laboratory investigations. Relapsing fever and typhus can occur at any season if poor hygienic conditions and overcrowding encourage lice infestation. Treatment with drugs is not sufcient to control an epidemic of relapsing fever or typhus. Health education about personal hygiene, and delousing clothes and bedding with chemicals such as permethrin, are other necessary control measures. The correct antibiotics can effectively treat relapsing fever and typhus if the patient is referred immediately. Visit his village to see the other sick persons and actively search for other cases, which you should immediately report to the District Health Ofce. There might be an epidemic of one of the febrile illnesses, which needs to be controlled by sustained preventive actions. Advise them to destroy all rubbish heaps and rodent burrows around the house, and ll cracks in walls where sandies like to breed. They should agree to their house being sprayed with insecticide and they should cover exposed skin and sleep under insecticide-treated bed nets to avoid sandy bites. Schistosoma haematobium, which mainly affects the bladder is limited to lowland swampy land and oodplains in the Awash and Wabe Shebele valleys and along the border with the Sudan. They are also more likely than adults to stand in the water to urinate or defaecate. In addition to the pain caused by the disease, infected children are usually stunted in their growth and perform poorly at school. Suturing the wound seals the viruses inside the body and makes it more difcult to ush it with soap and water, detergent, alcohol or iodine. Thoroughly clean the wound and send Mr Kebede to the nearest health facility for post-exposure prophylaxis. Admitting him to the Health Post delays referring him for urgent vaccination and rabies immunoglobulin treatment. It should be destroyed if its behaviour is abnormal; otherwise it should be kept contained for ten days to see if it develops any signs of rabies and killed if it does. They should ensure that Kemal has no further contact with this (or any other) dog, because children are at high risk of being bitten. It is almost inevitable that a person will die if they develop symptoms of rabies, no matter what medical treatment they receive. Taeniasis causes discomfort in people who have a tapeworm in their intestines, but the disease is almost never fatal. Thorough cooking kills the tapeworm larvae embedded in the meat and prevents their transmission to humans who eat the meat. The common symptoms of taeniasis are abdominal pain and the appearance of at white worms in the stools. Open defaecation in grazing lands is a risk factor for taeniasis, because the eggs deposited in human faeces are eaten by cows; the lifecycle of the tapeworm is completed when the larvae become cysticerci in the cows muscles and people eat infected raw or undercooked beef. A newborn with red and swollen conjunctiva could have got the infection from its mother during birth and should be treated with tetracycline eye ointment (1%). Corneal opacity is a permanent type of damage and cannot be improved by treating with tetracycline ointment. Disability resulting from podoconiosis and lymphatic lariasis can be reduced by foot and leg hygiene, exercising the affected part, and raising the legs when sitting or sleeping. Podoconiosis is not a communicable disease it is caused by contact with red clay soils, not an infectious agent. However, trachoma and scabies are communicable diseases found in conditions of poverty, overcrowding and poor access to clean water and sanitation. Tell them that the presence of eye discharge and poor personal hygiene will transmit trachoma bacteria to other people through ies landing on the face, and dirty hands and clothing touching the eyes. In Study Session 3 of this Module, you learned that measles can cause blindness, particularly among malnourished children who are lacking vitamin A.

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Box 78 No date of publication or copyright can be found If no date of publication or of copyright for the part can be found buy 10 mg maxalt, use any date of update/revision for the part and the date of citation order 10mg maxalt overnight delivery. Part of a database on the Internet with a date of publication separate from the date of the database as a whole 7. Part of a database on the Internet with a date of update/revision Date of Update/Revision for a Part of a Database on the Internet (required) General Rules for Date of Update/Revision Parts of databases may be updated or revised separately from the database as a whole Begin update/revision information with a left square bracket Use whatever word for update or revision is provided, such as updated or modified Always give the year of update/revision Convert roman numerals to arabic numbers. Look for the date accompanied by such words as updated, modified, revised, reviewed: At the top or bottom of the first screen or the bottom of the last screen of the part 1306 Citing Medicine Below the author name(s) or title In a specific field if the part is subdivided into fields In the source code for the database if it is displayed by the Web browser Box 80 Non-English names for months Translate names of months into English Abbreviate them using the first three letters Capitalize them Examples: mayo = May luty = Feb brezen = Mar Box 81 Seasons instead of months Translate names of seasons into English Capitalize them Do not abbreviate them For example: balvan = Summer outomno = Fall hiver = Winter pomlad = Spring Box 82 Both a date of update and a date of revision Various words are used to show that the content of a part of a database has been changed. Part of a database on the Internet with title containing special scripts/characters 1308 Citing Medicine 5. Part of a database on the Internet with a title in a language other than English 6. Part of a Database on the Internet with location (pagination) expressed as number of screens 9. Part of a Database on the Internet with location (pagination) expressed as number of pages 10. Part of a Database on the Internet with location (pagination) expressed as number of bytes 11. Case 1896, Acute staphylococcal endocarditis; [cited 2007 Feb 16]; [about 1 screen]. Part of a database on the Internet with a title in a language other than English Notes for a Part of a Database on the Internet (optional) General Rules for Notes Notes is a collective term for any further useful information given after the citation itself Complete sentences are not required Be brief Specific Rules for Notes System requirements Other types of material to include in notes Box 88 System requirements System requirements describe the software and hardware needed to view the database. Box 89 Other types of material to include in notes The notes element may be used to provide any further information. Some examples of notes are: Information on any access requirements/limitations Subscription required to view. Part of a Database on the Internet with a note Examples of Citations to Parts of Databases on the Internet 1. Standard part of a database on the Internet with name and number/letter Online Archive of American Folk Medicine [Internet]. Standard part of a database on the Internet without a name or number/letter Jablonski S. Part of a database on the Internet with title containing special scripts/characters Current Controlled Trials [Internet]. Part of a database on the Internet with a title in a language other than English Depenses en Medicaments au Canada: base de donnees sur les depenses nationales de sante [Internet]. Part of a database on the Internet with a date of publication separate from the date of the database as a whole Current Controlled Trials [Internet]. Part of a database on the Internet with a date of update/revision Cornell University Poisonous Plants Informational Database [Internet]. Alzheimer disease; [updated 2008 Oct 20; reviewed 2006 Oct; cited 2008 Oct 22]; [about 6 screens]. Part of a Database on the Internet with location (pagination) expressed as number of pages Antimicrobial Resistance Information Bank [Internet]. Part of a Database on the Internet with hyperlinks so that the pagination (extent) cannot be provided WormBase: the Biology and Genome of C. Part of a Database on the Internet with a note FlyBase: a Database of Drosophila Genes & Genomes [Internet]. Sample Citation and Introduction to Citing Contributions to Databases on the Internet The general format for a reference to a contribution to a database on the Internet, including punctuation: - without a separate date of publication for the contribution: 1316 Citing Medicine - with a separate date of publication for the contribution: Databases/Retrieval Systems on the Internet 1317 - with complete publication information for the contribution (see text below for clarification): 1318 Citing Medicine Examples of Citations to Contributions to Databases on the Internet Contributions are separately identified records, sections, or other portions of Internet databases that are provided by individuals or organizations other than the database builders. There are two types of contributions: those written expressly for the database, such as a review produced for the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, and those written for a primary publication such as a journal or book that is cited in the database. A journal article in a bibliographic database such as PubMed is an example of the latter. The first type of contribution contains only an author and title, and sometimes a date of publication; it has no place of publication, publisher, or other publication information separate from the database. A reference should start with the individual or organization with responsibility for the intellectual content of the publication. Begin a reference to a contribution with information about the contribution, followed by the word "In:" and information about the database. Although directions are provided here for creating citations to items published elsewhere and cited in a database, this format for contributions should rarely be used in a reference list. Unless only information found in the database record is used, articles, books, and other publications should be located directly and cited as their original form. This will also assure that any possible errors introduced in creating the database record will not be continued. In large bibliographies it is usually not practical to identify the source for each citation, but the overall sources used should be identified in introductory text. Continue to Citation Rules with Examples for Contributions to Databases on the Internet. Databases/Retrieval Systems on the Internet 1319 Citation Rules with Examples for Contributions to Databases on the Internet Components/elements are listed in the order they should appear in a reference.

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Book on the Internet with joint publication Date of Publication for Entire Books on the Internet (required) General Rules for Date of Publication Always give the year Convert roman numerals to arabic numbers 10mg maxalt fast delivery. When there is no title page: Look for the date at the top 10 mg maxalt sale, bottom, or sidebar of the first screen or the bottom of the last screen of the book Look for the date accompanying a copyright statement. Box 49 Non-English names for months Translate names of months into English Abbreviate them using the first three letters Capitalize them Examples: mayo = May luty = Feb brezen = Mar Books and Other Individual Titles on the Internet 1081 Box 50 Seasons instead of months Translate names of seasons into English Capitalize them Do not abbreviate them For example: balvan = Summer outomno = Fall hiver = Winter pomlad = Spring Box 51 Date of publication and date of copyright Some publications have both a date of publication and a date of copyright. The health care response to pandemic influenza: a position paper of the American College of Physicians [Internet]. Washington: George Washington University Medical Center, Center to Improve Care of the Dying. Book on the Internet with no date of publication or copyright Date of Update/Revision for Entire Books on the Internet (required) General Rules for Date of Update/Revision Books may be updated or revised between editions or versions Begin update/revision information with a left square bracket Use whatever word for update or revision is provided, such as updated and modified Always give the year of update/revision Convert roman numerals to arabic numbers. London: Cancerbackup; c2003 [reviewed 2004 Sep 1; modified 2006 Aug 17; cited 2006 Nov 3]. Fatigue reduction and management for the primary side-effects of cancer therapy [Internet]. Box 62 Books that are videocasts or podcasts If the entire book (not just a portion of one) is available as a videocast or podcast: Enter the word Videocast or Podcast followed by a colon and a space Give extent as the number of minutes needed to view/listen Abbreviate minutes to min. Book on the Internet that is a video, videocast, or podcast Series for Entire Books on the Internet (optional) General Rules for Series Begin with the name of the series Capitalize only the first word and proper nouns Follow the name with any numbers provided. Box 64 Multiple series If a book is a part of more than one series, include information on all series if desired. Book on the Internet with a series Books and Other Individual Titles on the Internet 1089 41. Books and Other Individual Titles on the Internet 1091 If none of the titles is English, follow with a translation whenever possible. Post-traumatic stress disorder sourcebook: a guide to healing, recovery, and growth [Internet]. Washington: Library of Congress, Congressional Research Service; 2006 [updated 2006 Mar 9; cited 2006 Nov 3]. System Requirements: Browser must be able to handle tables, javascript, and other advanced features; Netscape Navigator (version 4. Box 71 Other types of material to include in notes The notes element may be used to provide any useful information. Book on the Internet with supplemental note included Books and Other Individual Titles on the Internet 1093 Examples of Citations to Entire Books and Other Individual Titles on the Internet 1. Squeezed: why rising exposure to health care costs threatens the health and financial well-being of American families [Internet]. Squeezed: why rising exposure to health care costs threatens the health and financial well-being of American families [monograph on the Internet]. Guidelines for the production of scientific and technical reports: how to write and distribute grey literature [Internet]. Rome (Italy): Grey Literature International Steering Committee; 2006 Mar [cited 2006 Nov 3]. Nutrition and physical activity field assessment of children in rural America [Internet]. Communicators guide for federal, state, regional, and local communicators [Internet]. National Library of Medicine, National Center for Biotechnology Information; 1998 - [cited 2015 Mar 11]. Developing a national registry of pharmacologic and biologic clinical trials: workshop report [Internet]. Book on the Internet with more than one organization as author American Academy of Pain Medicine; American Pain Society. Book on the Internet with no authors or editors Making a difference: state injury and violence prevention programs [Internet]. Virtual pediatric patients: a digital storytelling system for teaching common pediatric problems [Internet]. Book on the Internet with title ending in other than a period The "bad bug book" [Internet]. Abriendo un camino genetico: familias y cientificos se unen en la busqueda de genes defectuosos que causan enfermedades [Internet]. Veterinary public health and control of zoonoses in developing countries = Sante publique veterinaire et controle des zoonoses dans les pays en developpement = Salud publica veterinaria y control de zoonosis en paises en desarrollo [Internet]. Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations; 2003 [cited 2006 Nov 17]. Copenhagen: World Health Organization, Regional Office for Europe; c2003 [cited 2006 Nov 3]. Book on the Internet with qualifier added to place of publication for clarity Global strategy for the diagnosis, management, and prevention of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease [Internet]. Report into allegations of organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners in China [Internet]. Geographical differentials in cancer incidence and survival in Queensland: 1996 to 2002 [Internet].

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